Software Garden ListGarden Program:
ListGarden Documentation
This page has links to the documentation available for the program.

This website includes online documentation for installing and running the program. In addition, there are some "How To" and "What Is? pages.
Here are the pages on this website:
This page is a basic introduction to RSS feeds and aggregators.
This page gives step-by-step instructions for using ListGarden to create an RSS feed for a podcast
so that listeners can subscribe and automatically download new episodes when they are available.
It also shows how to automatically create a companion "List of Shows" HTML page.
This page gives step-by-step instructions for using ListGarden to add an RSS feed to a normal website.
This page presents an example of using ListGarden to maintain and distribute a simple list.
This page gives gives examples of storing public RSS feed files on inexpensive web server storage
available through many ISPs and free web hosting communities.
This page is kept updated with news of new releases, new documentation, and other items of interest to ListGarden users.
It contains the information that shows up on the
ListGarden News RSS feed:

This page tells you how to install and run the version for Microsoft Windows.
This page tells you how to install and run the Generic Perl Version on Linux and similar systems as well as on web servers.
This page tells you how to install and run the Generic Perl Version on Apple Mac OS X.
This page tells you how to prepare an Apple Mac with OS X 10.3 to have Perl and the libraries needed to run the program.